For many years, most of you have been receiving a reminder email about a week before each East Huntingdon USPSA match. The distribution list for that email is difficult to maintain and has grown out of control so I’ve had a task on my to-do list to begin issuing the emails using the Mailchimp service.
After focusing on this “better” solution for most of a day, it occurred to me that perhaps there’s no longer a problem that needs to be solved. Going back to my first year as match director at EH, I saw a need to keep people informed of when we were going to have a match because there wasn’t much timely information to be had. But now the Practiscore Match Management program is available, the Western PA Section Newsletter is being issued weekly during the season, and there are a number of websites and Facebook pages out there filling that void.
I’ve concluded that the EH email is no longer needed and it will no longer be issued.